How to organize a messy kitchen


The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, where meals are prepared and memories are made. But when clutter and disorganization take over, it can become a source of stress and frustration. A messy kitchen not only makes cooking more difficult, but it can also lead to wasted time, money, and food.

If you’re tired of digging through piles of dishes or struggling to find ingredients in a jumbled pantry, fear not – there are plenty of simple solutions for organizing your kitchen. You can explore here practical tips and tricks for tidying up your space so that you can cook with ease and enjoy spending time in your home’s hub.

Overview of How to Organize a messy kitchen

Keeping a kitchen organized can be a daunting task, especially if you have limited counter space and storage. However, with some simple tricks and tips, organizing your messy kitchen doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The first step is to declutter your kitchen by getting rid of any expired food items or utensils you no longer use. This will free up valuable space and make it easier to navigate.

Next, create designated zones for different categories of items in your kitchen, such as baking supplies, cooking utensils, or snacks. Use labels or clear containers to keep items visible and easily accessible. Consider installing hooks or racks on the walls for pots and pans or adding shelves inside cabinets for extra storage.

Another way to organize your messy kitchen is to utilize vertical space. Hang pots and pans from a ceiling rack or install a pegboard on the wall for frequently used tools like spatulas and measuring cups.

10 Ways How to Organize a messy kitchen

1. Declutter:

The first step to organizing your kitchen is to remove everything from the countertops. Get rid of any extra items that are not being used, including cookbooks, food containers, and appliances you don’t use. Sort through your cabinets and drawers, throw away any expired food, and donate items that you no longer use.

2. Sort and Categorize:

After decluttering, create a kit or bin for each category of items in your kitchen. When you’re cooking, you should be able to reach into the bin and find what you need quickly. For example, you could have a bin for produce, one for spices and herbs, one for baking items like flour and sugar and one for canned goods. Use the same organizing principles you used for separating your items by category in step one. For example, if you have a lot of spices and herbs, you might want to store them in jars or in labeled plastic containers.

3. Assess Storage Options:

As you re-sorting, look for ways to store items that will help you use your kitchen more efficiently. For example, if you have lots of spices or condiments, consider purchasing a set of small jars with lids to hold them, rather than storing them in a bag or a plastic container. The new jars will be easy to grab and use, and they will look nice on your countertop. After you have organized your kitchen, take the time to evaluate how it s working. Take a few days and check in with yourself. How is it working for you?

4. Clear Countertops:

Clear countertops are a must for any kitchen that s going to be used efficiently. If you have cookbooks, papers, or other items on your counters, it s hard to find items and clean the surfaces. The solution is simple: get rid of the stuff that is not needed, and keep only those items you really need on your countertops. The same applies to your refrigerator, which should be clean and uncluttered. The less stuff on it, the less you will have to clean.

5. Utilize Vertical Space:

Vertical space is usually the most underutilized space in a kitchen. Yet it s also the easiest to use, especially if you have taller cabinets. You can store items in the upper cabinets that you use less frequently, or for which there s not much room on your countertops. One of the best ways to utilize vertical space is with a kitchen storage tower. This is a small tower that fits on top of your cabinets and provides a convenient place to store frequently-used items like baking supplies, spices, or seasonings. You can also use empty wine bottles to organize your spices.

6. Containerize:

You can store food in almost any container you have lying around the house. The trick is to think about how you like to use the items, rather than thinking about where they will fit. For example, if you need to store baking supplies like sugar in a small space, put it in a spice jar, or even in an old prescription bottle. If you want to keep cooking oils separate from other foods, make sure the container has a lid that seals tightly.

7. Label Everything:

Labels are the key to any organizational system. Not only will you be able to find items quickly, but they’ll also look great in your kitchen! Use a label maker or even handwritten labels for small containers, and make sure you have some kind of identifying marker on larger containers like boxes. Labels are the key to any organizational system. Not only will you be able to find items quickly, but they’ll also look great in your kitchen.

8. Organize by Frequency of Use:

If you use it often, keep it close at hand. If you don’t use it often, store it in a more out-of-the-way spot. This simple rule will help you cut down on clutter and keep things organized. Organizing your kitchen is a simple process that can make a big difference in its functionality and usability. Start by removing all the items from your kitchen cabinets and drawers that don’t belong in them.

9. Implement a Cleaning Routine:

Maintaining a cleaning routine for your kitchen will help you keep it organized. You’ll also save time by keeping the same items in the same places, so you won’t have to waste time searching for them. It’ll also help you keep your kitchen looking clean and well-organized. This cleaning routine should include a daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal schedule.

10. Regular Maintenance:

It’s easy to overlook the small things in a kitchen. However, you should never skip regular maintenance of your kitchen. This includes keeping your refrigerator and other appliances clean, as well as cleaning the range hood and microwave on a regular basis. It’s also important to clean the floors, cabinets and drawers on a regular basis.

It’s easy to overlook the small things in a kitchen. However, you should never skip regular maintenance of your kitchen.


Organizing a messy kitchen can be overwhelming at first, but with a few simple steps and strategies, it can become a manageable task. Start by decluttering and purging unnecessary items, then create designated spaces for each category of items. Utilize storage solutions such as shelves, hooks, and bins to keep everything in its place. Develop a cleaning routine and stick to it consistently to maintain your organized space. Remember that organization is an ongoing process and requires maintenance. By taking the time to organize your kitchen, you’ll not only save time and reduce stress when cooking but also create a welcoming and functional space for yourself and your family.

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