How to clean tawa


Tawa is a flat, round griddle made of iron. It is primarily used in Indian cuisine, especially for making chapatis and other flatbreads. Traditionally, tawas were heated on coal or wood stoves, but these days they are more commonly powered by gas or electricity. The use of a tawa allows food to be cooked quickly and evenly, making it an essential tool for Indian cooking.

Tawas come in various sizes and thicknesses, depending on the type of food being prepared. It is important to season your tawa before use in order to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking. With proper care, a tawa can last many years. If you’re looking for an easy way to incorporate Indian flavors into your cooking, a tawa is a great kitchen tool to have.

Cleaning a tawa is important for food safety and preserving its life. Grease, dirt, and other debris can accumulate on the tawa over time, so it’s essential to ensure that the surface is clean before each use.

Additionally, seasoning a tawa regularly will help create an even layer of oil on the griddle, which will help prevent sticking. The best way to clean a tawa is with hot water and mild dish soap, but it’s important to use a soft cloth or brush so that you don’t damage the surface of the griddle.

If your tawa has been heavily used, you may have to scrub it more vigorously with a stainless steel sponge or scrubber. After washing, it’s important to make sure your tawa is completely dry before using so that it doesn’t rust. With regular cleaning and maintenance, you can keep your tawa in tip-top shape for years.

Overview of how to clean tawa

Cleanliness is essential when using a tawa. Not only does it help to keep the surface from becoming sticky and unsanitary, but cleaning can also help your tawa last longer. Here are some tips for keeping your tawa clean:

Clean the tawa after each use with a damp cloth or sponge. Never let the tawa cool down with food still stuck to it, as this can make it difficult to clean.

Avoid the use of harsh and abrasive cleaning products, such as steel wool or scouring pads. These can damage the surface of your tawa over time. When scrubbing off any food debris, use a soft cloth or nylon scrubber to avoid scratching the surface.

To remove stubborn food residue, you can sprinkle some baking soda on the surface and wet it with a bit of water before wiping it off with a damp cloth. If your tawa has developed rust, gently scrub it off with a soft cloth and some vinegar.

Once your tawa is clean, apply a light layer of oil to the surface and let it sit for an hour or so before using it again.

10 ways how to clean tawa

1.Allow the Tawa to Cool Down

After you are done cooking with the tawa, make sure that it is cooled down before cleaning. Wipe down the surface of your tawa and get rid of any food residue or oil buildup.

Avoid using harsh chemicals on your tawa. These can damage the surface and lead to rusting over time.

2.Remove Excess Food and Debris

Using a soft cloth or brush, gently scrub away any food debris from the surface of your tawa. Be careful not to use too much force, as this can cause scratches on the griddle’s surface. For thicker and harder to remove food residue, you can try sprinkling baking soda on the surface before dampening it with a bit of water.

3.Wash the Tawa with Hot Water and Soap

One of the best ways to clean your tawa is to use warm water and a mild dish soap. Fill a sink with hot water and add a few drops of mild dish soap. Dip your tawa into the soapy water and use a soft sponge or cloth to wipe it down. Make sure to rinse off any remaining soap residue with clean, hot water. Dry the Tawa Thoroughly.

4.Use a Scrubbing Pad or Brush to Clean Tough Stains

If there are any stubborn stains or discoloration on your tawa that won’t come off with a sponge or cloth, you can use a stainless steel scrubbing pad or brush to loosen them up. Make sure to be gentle and not apply too much pressure so as not to damage the tawa’s surface. Start by applying the scrubber to the stained area with a circular motion, then rinse off any remaining residue with hot water. Dry the Tawa Thoroughly before storing it or using it again. This will help prevent rusting and damage to the surface.

5.Rinse the Tawa with Hot Water

Once you’ve cleaned off all of the food residue and debris, rinse your tawa with hot water to get rid of any soapy residue. Dry the Tawa Thoroughly. Make sure to dry your tawa completely before storing it or using it again. This will help prevent rusting and damage to the surface.

6.Apply a Baking Soda and Water Paste to Stubborn Stains

Baking soda and water paste can be used to effectively remove tough, stubborn stains from a tawa. Simply mix baking soda and water together until a thick paste is formed. Apply the paste directly onto the stained area of the tawa and let it sit for 15-20 minutes before wiping off with a damp cloth or sponge. This will help loosen the grime and make it easier to remove. Be sure to rinse off any remaining residue with hot water and dry thoroughly before using or storing your tawa. The paste can also be used for removing discoloration.

7.Use a Lemon and Salt Mixture to Clean Discoloration

Lemon and salt mixture is an effective and natural way to clean discoloration and remove stubborn stains from a tawa. The acidity in the lemon helps dissolve any grease or food residue that has been baked onto the surface of the tawa, while the abrasiveness of the salt helps loosen up tough stains. To use this mixture, sprinkle salt onto the discolored area and squeeze a few drops of lemon juice over it. Rub the mixture into the surface with a soft cloth or brush in a circular motion until the stains start to fade.

8.Dry the Tawa Completely with a Towel

Once you’ve washed and scrubbed your tawa and you’ve finished cleaning your tawa, make sure to Dry the Tawa thoroughly before storing it or using it again. This will help prevent rusting and damage to the surface.. This will help prevent any rusting or discoloration from occurring in the future and keep the surface of your tawa in good condition.

9.Apply Oil to the Tawa to Prevent Rust

Applying oil to the tawa will help protect it from rust by creating a layer of protection that prevents moisture from damaging the surface. The oil also helps to keep dirt and debris from sticking to the tawa, which makes it easier to clean when necessary. Additionally, using oil can help prevent oxidation, which is caused by exposure to oxygen, from occurring on the surface of the tawa. This helps to keep your tawa looking like new for longer. With regular oiling and proper storage, your tawa should last for many years.

10.Store the Tawa in a Dry Place

Finally, make sure to store your tawa in a dry place. Avoid storing it in a damp area, as this can lead to rusting and other damage. If possible, wrap the tawa in cloth before storing it away to further protect it from moisture and dust.


Cleaning and maintaining your tawa is essential to making sure it lasts for a long time. Follow these 10 steps to keep your tawa in top condition and make sure you are always using clean, safe cookware. And remember, if any tough stains or discoloration still remain after cleaning, consider replacing the tawa as it may be damaged beyond repair.

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